The Eight-Billion Turndown

Going against all womanly etiquette, she shouted with an immense backlog of frustration, “Bollocks to you all! Fuck this shit!”. As she walked in the opposite direction, eight-billion people shouted back, “You’re a crazy for not following our way! You’re crazy!”

She continued walking until she found herself in a secluded meadow. Sitting there in silence, the simplicity of everything suddenly descended upon her like a huge ball of candy floss, soft and sweet: she had found her heart, and it had kissed her in the most elegantly way, revealing its truth. Unbeknownst to her, whilst shrouded by the collective narratives of the world, her heart had always been there.

Still relishing her freedom of expression, she slowly whispered, “Well, fuck me! Would you believe it?” - and she shone outwards a smile that was not of this earth.